Smart cities work when the journey is as desirable as the destination.


New technologies are developing at a rapid pace. They make our lives easier, more sustainable and safer. But how do we maintain a robust legal framework for Smart Cities?

A camera that scans your licence plate when you enter an environmental (low emissions) zone, a sensor in a waste container that gives an alert when it is almost full and a lamppost that, in addition to providing lighting, also measures noise levels and air quality while at the same time enabling 5G. The physical and digital worlds are becoming increasingly intertwined. Data analysis is constantly improving the operation of products and services. Permit and consent procedures play an important role in this regard.

What rules are needed to adequately control the effects of a Smart City? And should these rules be adopted at national or local level? These are questions that concern us, and others in the field.

The Association of Netherlands Municipalities is working on a set of ‘Principles for the digital city’. They are intended to provide municipal authorities with guidelines for working with commercial parties and for using new technologies. This and other initiatives demonstrate the decisive progress we are making towards a robust legal framework for Smart Cities.

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