Where physical space is scarce, companies and activities that have an impact on the environment need to be regulated in order to protect the living environment. At the same time, it is important that sufficient space remains available for new developments. The current focus on nitrogen deposition compels the relevant economic sectors to make a combined and balanced contribution to find a resolution, with due consideration for cost effectiveness. Central government will have to provide sufficient financial resources for acquisition or remediation, nature restoration measures and to help speed up the implementation of new technologies. Solutions can be found in agenda-setting environmental strategies that pay attention to location choices and site planning.
The result is a complex system of rules, often with an EU legislative dimension as regards noise pollution, air pollution, waste and soil protection, for example, as well as area conservation and species protection in addition to safety. Backed by our extensive experience and expertise, we are able to advise you on strategic choices in complying with general regulations, obtaining the necessary permits, and we also advise and litigate in the case of enforcement.