Criminal law as the optimum remedy in the enforcement of environmental crime
We are proud that the master’s thesis Chanym Alekperova, attorney-at-law at NewGround Law has been nominated for the Empirical Legal Studies (ELS) Thesis Award under the auspices of the Free University Amsterdam (VU).
The nominated thesis entitled ‘Criminal law as the optimum remedy in the enforcement of environmental crime‘ was assessed with the high grade 9.
Empirical research on the functioning of law in society provides fundamental knowledge about the, among others behavioural, assumptions underlying the rules of law. Dr. S.S. (Sanne) Buisman (University Lecturer in Criminal Law, Criminal Law & Criminology at VU) guided Chanym in her research and in writing the thesis.
Summary and introduction of the thesis: here in Dutch and here in English. If you like to read the entire thesis, please contact Chanym Alekperova.
More information about the ELS Academy, interuniversity research school on empirical legal studies